Monday, January 7, 2008

Forget the two front teeth!

For Christmas, we usually know exactly what we're getting each other, but I love to surprise Johnny with at least one thing. Our first Christmas, I had his cowboy boots taken to the cobbler (as in shoe, not peach) and redid the soles. This Christmas, it was matching pajama pants for father and son. Since I made up the pattern, Johnny actually looks like he's a bow-legged cowboy wearing them. Baby Johnny's pants look much more normal. Can't wait to get you some boots to match your dad, baby boy!

All of the girls got pajama pants from Mom Covey. Needless to say, I am being very brave posting such an unflattering post-partum picture.


The Potterfs said...

Oh, Please! Christine-You look Fantastic! I still look 3 months along and my baby will be 3 in May! Johnny Quatro is adorable! I love blogs! You still know kind of what is going on in everyones' lives.

Megs said...

I just updated myself on your blog and I am loving it. Little Johnny has the cutest face. Wow, what a babe!!

Hannah Stevenson said...

Love the pajamas Christine...we need to have another sewing club meeting!!! Looks like you are doing great on your own though both Johnny's look great!