Friday, September 28, 2012

Davis Alexander

This child is adorable. He is definitely related to each of his siblings. How could I forget this transition from babyhood to boyhood? It surprises me every time. That transition period where he wants to do everything by himself which sometimes means undoing what I've done so that he can do it himself in a more messy and slower way. That transition time which means he stops taking naps in the afternoon but will sometimes wear himself out and fall asleep standing up. That transition time where he has an opinion about everything. That time where he starts to grow ice cream goatees. It is adorable. I love meeting my kids and finding out more about their personalities. It is exciting to watch them discover earth and what it means to be a human and part of our family. 


Game Day!

Every. Darn. Day.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Davis!

Our Davie boy is turning 2
We want to celebrate with you

He's sporting his long and blond hair do
He's quick to often say "Yuv you"

He likes to wear and HIDE your shoe
He's a joyful boy, it's true

Books, he'll sit and read quite a few
He wrestles with the best of the crew

He kisses Scott til he's black and blue
He just might eat more cake than you

So come celebrate with us!
Dinner and Outdoor Big Screen Movie
Thursday, September 28 
6:30 pm food and festivities
8:00 pm Movie

We had so much fun. Nachos with homemade enchilada sauce so we could smother and broil if we so desired. And we did. We wrote a MadLib story about Davis, the blue triceratops who liked to eat chicken and is allergic to steak and follows directions. Davis made out like a bandit with all of the awesome books he received from his loving family. My personal favorite were the old school scripture books - Grandma and Papa Covey gave us 3 from their treasured set. My second personal favorite was the Hello, Texas book from Beepa and Nannie. Texas, we want to come visit you, soon. We finished our party with an indoor movie with Malcolm and Laura Felt and family-warmer and well, definitely warmer than the outside option. Happy Birthday, Davis!

Davis, we love you so much. You are an adorable child. You kiss Scottie all the time. You give hugs to Johnny and Evelyn. You cuddle in the morning. You love doing things by yourself. You run and romp and wrestle but if you get hurt or fall down, you easily jump up without crying (high pain tolerance or high frequency equals normal). You have a killer smile and when you're concentrating, you put your tongue on the inside of your cheek. You love to sit and read books. I can't bring myself to cut your blonde hair because I always dreamt of raising blonde boys and you are my dream come true. When I was in Vegas on my sisters trip, you told me you loved me for the first time over the phone. It was so tender. I love you, Davie. Mom


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Burn for me, baby

Nana finished her real estate license hours and passed her test! She gave the proctor a high five when he told her she passed. Congratulations! To both Nana and Papa. It was 30 days of torturous class, commuting, contemplating and commiserating. And now it is over. To celebrate, we torched all of the practice tests and roasted 'mallows. Move over, Donald, there's a new real estate tycoon in town.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Potty Talk

So Ila came to spend the week at our house to help me potty train Evelyn. This has been a process that has been going on for almost 2 years now. I was completely inconsistent and distracted and finally everything clicked, with Ila's help. The only time Evelyn had put a BM in the toilet was when Ila had talked her through it at Nigel's house. So I tried to get Eve to go at Nigel's house with Ila on the phone but, no go. We went for the real deal, in person. And eventually, it worked! I only have faint memories of Evelyn pooping in her underwear, every other day because she would hold it in. I haven't blogged about it because I haven't wanted to jinx anything, but it has been almost 2 weeks of Evelyn voluntarily going on the toilet putting her BM in there. HEAVEN!!! My life is heaven. Here's the quotes while Ila was there.

We had been making a batch of zuchinni bread every day because Beal had monstrous vegetables delivered from her neighbor. Delicious. And Ila ate some every day and loved it. On the last day, I must have grated extra big pieces because Ila stopped mid-bite, "Are there vegetables in here?"

Ila ran around practically non-stop wearing some extremely high heels from the dress up box. She was so cute, complaining about not being able to walk in them, but refusing to take them off. She dressed Evelyn up and they walked in together. Ila was so proud when she stated, "I'm the fashion queen!" And Evelyn was even more proud when she said, "I'm the kicker!" Ila whispered in her ear the correction, "Sidekick!"

Utah State Fair

2nd on Nigel's list only to Sue's homecoming. My first picture of Sue on the blog in a really long time!! It looks to me like it was a ton of fun. Or horribly traumatic. Whatever.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sitting on the fence

I'm sitting on the fence on this issue. Thanks to Camille Bennett for capturing the awesome visual to go with this post. These kids were attending our cousin's adorable wedding at the red barn. It was full of fun things like hay bales to sit (or nap) on, water lines spraying in the field next to us to keep everything cool, programs for the ceremony printed on fans so you could cool yourself off and know what was going on at the same time, jars of jam for your favors as you left the dance party, an all girl string band that jammed nicely, bridesmaids in boots, corn fields for little kids to pee in and the only other Beepa I've met. He was dishing up some delicious salads and told his granddaughter, "Beepa can help you in just a minute." I told him about our Beepa and he told me about his wife being called Mee-Maw. Adorable. I'm going to be Gran. Johnny will be Papa, I can only assume, but I want to be Gran. If I get to have any say in it. Yet, back to the task at hand. My fence sitting.
Johnny boy just got a new fish and I can't decide if I like that or not. We went to the Timpanogos Carnival and a girl came up after everything was closed and offered him a fish. I flushed his last fish down the toilet. I told him so. I didn't hide it or anything. We were moving and I had tried to give him away and it didn't work out. I know Blue, the Betta fish is still alive out there because he survived our absence to Montana for 11 days when I forgot to get a fish sitter. No food for 11 days way back when means he's doing just fine in the sewer system now.

I said yes at the carnival because he's been asking for another fish. Goldie is upstairs in the kitchen at Nana and Papa's house in a tupperware. His feeding instructions say twice a day. And I don't know that I want this responsibility. Pets are fun, but I'm into humans right now. Four baby ones and one grown up one. So I'm trying to decide if I want the work that goes along with this fun. Johnny was adorable this morning and told me Goldie likes me so much and really likes it when I take care of him. I think my son can sense that I'm on the fence on this one and he's trying to push me in the right direction. We'll figure it out, but I can see it going both ways. If Goldie can survive the bag squeezing Johnny gave him yesterday, he just might survive in this family if I forget to feed him. We'll see.


Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come. Things as they REALLY are, not as I suppose them to be. Johnny REALLY is taller than me. Quite often, I start to think that I am taller than him. Here is more evidence to my mind that I REALLY am shorter than my husband. By a lot more than I thought.