Love this boy and the station on the field trip where they glue nature on a piece of paper to look like their own face. I'm proud of him for doing it all by himself instead of some of his friends who had their parents doing their work. This boy will write his own college entrance essay, that is for sure. So awesome.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world
The primary program is coming up and the kids write their own part after answering a prompt. Johnny's question was, What are you thankful for and why? I love what his response was. I am thankful to God for the birds because they start from an egg and grow to a baby bird and into a mom or a dad.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
No shirt No service
Davis is making me soup. We are sitting in the front yard and I am utilizing the virtue of a phone filled with technology. Blogging, thank you Katie for telling me about it, while I sit and watch my children and their friends run around our toy play land, thank you Becca for giving us your leftover toys. My heart is full and sad and full of sad. I just got some sad news. My heart breaks for the evil raging in the hearts of humans. For the influence of Satan. For the happiness forfeited. For the deception taking place. Humans lie to each other, we lie to ourselves and we lie to God. And what a bummer. I'm so disheartened. Thank goodness for shirtless soup makers. He turns 3 next week. So crazy. So adorable. His golden locks are long as ever. Thank goodness for the love of children today. Despite the hole kicked in the ceiling from the bunk bed. I think of Carlie Sue ''What goes around comes around'' and I think of my white skates with purple wheels and brake and the hole I kicked in the Ashby Hills house. Sheesh, karma!