Monday, September 14, 2009

Keeping our Commitments

We often discuss what we want. I want to get my PhD someday. I want to be able to play every hymn in the book on the piano. I want to be a Senior Olympic Athlete. We want to be that family that goes camping. That smoky smell. Hot dogs on a stick. The warmth of the 'mallow melting the chocolate. So when the chance came up to go out with my RMYL program, we jumped for it.

The evening started out with repelling. Nice calves.

The evening ended with games around the campfire. There was a lot of fun in between.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Guinness Book of World Records

What, do you think, is the absolutely positively most disgusting thing that could have happened to me today?

Pulling a load of towels out of the dryer and finding a used diaper inside.

You might be interested in finding out what was the second most disgusting thing that I am actually admitting to in public?

I gave the towels a sniff to confirm that I needed to rewash them. Disgusting at two levels - first, that I would put my nose in a situation that would obviously be unpleasant and second, that I even considered that rewashing might not be necessary because it was just a wet diaper.

At our house, we have diaper soccer. It's a game we invented to enjoy the fact that I am too lazy to throw away dirty diapers after I change our two dirty diaper producing children. I usually do get up and throw away the stinkies, but if it's only wet, I wrap it up tight in a little burrito and toss it with confidence into the proverbial pile. With all the diapers laying around, it's just a shame to let them go to waste and even the neighborhood boys like to kick them around. They probably enjoy it so much because their mothers would never leave such disgusting items laying around in piles in their homes. There is usually a large pile just in front of the laundry room door. With all of my laundry I've piled up over the past few weeks, I must have scooped up a diaper inadvertently and thrown it into the wash. Let's just say I've forsaken the sport of diaper soccer and will not endorse it ever again. Ever.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I can't stand how much I love this boy

Sometimes we get Johnny out of bed at night just to cuddle with him in our bed together. We can't stand how cute and fun he is. It was neat to think today that this is how our parents felt about us. And Johnny will grow up to feel this way about his children.

Isaac Canlas turns 6 this week - CRAZY. He hosted everyone at Backyard Adventures with amazing dinosaur murals on the walls and fun playsets and jump houses to run around on. I love this boy.