John Davis Covey was born at 3:53 pm on Monday, November 12. His stats are 8 pounds 1 ounce, 19.5 inches long with a gorgeous head of hair. Welcome to Team Covey, dude. Tryouts are officially over, for a season or two. Team practice is held daily, with frequent water breaks (some team members prefer milk). Times vary - sometimes in the middle of the night - so far a good predictable pattern of 1 am, 4 am, 7 am - which is much appreciated by one of the team captains.
Here are some of our first team pictures. If you want to see more, go to this website where you'll see how the birth process was captured by my brother, Jon Canlas. password to view the event is: teamcovey

My fingers are crossed that he will be born with dark hair.

He is so handsome.

We are so happy he is healthy and here!
WOW! Super Cute! Welcome to parenthood! Life will never, EVER be the same--in a very good way! Who knew you could feel so much love towards this little pooping, crying, eating machine! CONGRATS!GO TEAM COVEY!
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