Next on the list - we were going to be induced on Friday, October 26 and our doctor (Uncle Ryan Jones) sent us in for an amniocentesis to make sure Johnny, the baby-to-be, was developed enough to be born at 37 weeks. Johnny, the dad-to-be, was running in to meet me for the amnio (I was on the table, waiting for my husband to come hold my hand so they could put the needle in me) when he dropped his planner and contents scattered everywhere in the round about of the American Fork Hospital. He's leaning over to gather everything up and a school bus hits him from the side as it curves the round about. He gets thrown into the flower bed and looks up to see a very surprised bus driver. Being the sensitive husband that he is, Johnny sacrificed all thoughts of self, hurriedly got the driver's name and phone number, pick up his broken planner and broken phone and ran into the hospital to hold his wife's hand. What a trooper. No broken body parts, just some scrapes and bruising and a stiff neck that will go away with time. However, we were watching a movie and Johnny had to hold my hand during the scene that showed the school buses. Now we know who's going to walk Johnny, kindergardner-to-be, to the bus stop in five years - his mom.

So, the amnio told us that Johnny, baby-to-be, was not developed enough to be born. We're letting him stay in to cook a little bit longer. I just keep telling myself that he'll come by December 1. That way, I'm not disappointed if I have to wait the full 40 weeks like all normal people. We were trying to have him early because I had a blood clot in my leg and I'm taking a blood thinner and it's better for Johnny, baby-to-be, to be born at a controlled time, when I can switch medicines and be ready for him. We will probably have him before November 16 - a little turkey instead of the pumpkin we were expecting. Baby Johnny, if you are reading this, emphasis on the LITTLE part of turkey.

Welcome to the blogging world, Team Covey. I hope all subsequent blogs are not as dramatic. No more getting hit by buses, no more canceling induction dates, just insights into the lives of members of Team Covey - currently accepting applications.
Yeah! Love the blog! Too bad about the bus and no baby. Crazy. I am up way too late to be reading this! I need to get my pregnant body to bed, but the allure of the computer sans distractions(i.e. kid in lap banging on keys) is too strong.
I love the blog!! Yeah for team Covey. Hang in there the next few weeks. Maybe baby to be Johnny can have the same birthday as Blake! Love you.
team covey is the best. don't have your baby until I get back into town on sunday...
Hit by a bus?!?! We just saw you yesterday...I need to be more specific when I ask what's going on your lives...but wait! You have a blog now, so I don't even have to ask. I'll just refer to Team Covey's blog. :) Welcome, welcome!!!
Welcome. It's good to have you here.
Wow! What an update! John I'm glad you are OK. We are excited to meet little Johnny. Hang in there!
The Stevensons
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