These pictures are specifically posted to keep our dear sister, Collette, in the loop so she can see her cute nephews. Collette is gone for the summer doing sales in southern California. Collette is such a hard worker and so good at talking to people that we are sure she's going to have a great experience. This is for you, Collettie!
Here is Lance after Nana introduced him to whipped cream.
Here is Christine modeling the necklaces that Mom Covey picked out the coral and strung herself to give all of the sisters while she was in Israel. I'm not really a necklace kind of girl, but this coral came from the Red Sea, so it is one of two necklaces that I own and have actually worn.
Here are Mom and Dad Covey in Israel.
And we will finish this montage with pictures from Laurel and Maisy Stevenson's baby blessing last week.